Meet the Vendor: Treasure His Word Art

Welcome to the GypsyMoon Chronicles! We are so excited to share with you, Amy from Treasure His Word Art. Read below to learn more about her business and what she’ll be offering at GypsyMoon!

Grab your tickets to GypsyMoon Marketplace so you can shop with Treasure His Word Art November 3, 4, & 5!

I am so excited that it's almost Giddy Up Time!!! Measure your wall spaces! Measure your family's wall spaces!! These paintings make very special gifts. I love it when customers send me pictures of their homes decorated with my artwork. Especially if they were gifts!! It is such an honor to have my gift of painting as someone's wall feature. You will have so much fun at GypsyMoon! Grab a bite to eat. Then grab a Hebrews Coffee or Fruit tea and come to chat or just relax and marvel. It is sure to be a great time! Be sure to say hi to me. I love people, but sometimes I hit a shy spell.- AMY WALTERS, Treasure His Word Art

How would you describe your business to someone you've never met? What products/services do you provide? Where and how can someone shop with you?

I create textured art that suits most home styles. I use a light and airy color scheme with a pop of color. I usually paint on canvas and wood; however, I have also painted on other surfaces. I love to paint flowers, angels, old churches, and barns. I love to paint primitive cats and birds. Christmas time is my favorite to paint for; I love to paint the nativity scene. Everything I do is smudged and scraped to give it a beat-up, old rugged, vintage look

When and how did your business first begin?

Treasure His Word was created in 2019. My aunt saw a few pieces I did and asked if I would like to help her keep her FineFarmHouse Website full; I was elated. My aunt is amazing and loved by her customers. She showed me off to all her friends. She invited me to her GypsyMoon Booth in 2019. She even had a couple of Barn Sales at her WildWood Farm. I painted her special barn that held these events. I eventually became brave enough to open my own Etsy Shop; Then I was asked if I was going to do the GypsyMoon Marketplace. I didn't know if I could make enough to fill a booth; with the support of my family, I did.

What is your favorite thing about what you do?

My favorite thing about what I do is to sneak a little Jesus somewhere in the painting. It may just be in the back. I try to find a way to glorify Him somehow. I love to add old hymnals or Christian literature scraps as mixed media. It adds a nice background when I mute it out by scraping paint over it. I do my best to keep certain words showing. Sometimes I use bible verse scrapbook paper I created as an urn or flower pot.

If you could turn and talk to yourself back when you first started your business, what would you tell yourself?

Do not doubt yourself. Just do it. Go big.

What advice would you give to someone who is wanting to start selling at shows/barn sales?

Do it. It is so much fun. You meet so many people that love to do what you do. You meet so many people that love what you do and need what you do. You bring joy to someone else's life when you share.

What is your favorite product you have to bring to GypsyMoon?

My favorite paintings right now would probably be either my big Flower in Bible print mixed-media urn or my new guardian angels.

I love your business name, can you explain where you thought of it?

I have always been a crafter. I got into digital scrapbooking after I had children because I couldn't keep up with the mess of real scrapbooking with babies. In 2013 I created 20 x 20 digital artwork for each of my children to put on our wall. I wanted them to know that God made each of them unique and wonderful. I also created things around my home for my friends and family who visited me. It was sometimes hard to start a conversation about Jesus, so I did everything I could to put it everywhere. I hope that everyone will come to know Jesus and Treasure His Word.

Do you ever experience burnout? What makes you feel inspired & revived?

I found out last year that I need to be around people. I took a very short break from being a Kindergarten teacher aide; I didn't return in 2022. By October, I was back in the classroom. I am useless if I don't have a good dose of social time. This year I am a first preschool teacher while working for my master's in teaching with an emphasis on Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education. I am revived on the weekends when I jam to Christian music and paint my little heart out. I like to stay busy so I can put together ornaments and earrings in the evenings or on RV trips with my family.

What is your favorite thing about being at GypsyMoon Marketplace? What is something you want to tell the shoppers?

The atmosphere at GypsyMoon is AmaZing!! There is such a variety of wonderful things to shop for. The people are so nice and fun to talk to. I love to talk with other makers. We are kindred spirits.

Can you give us a few sneak peeks on what you'll be bringing to GypsyMoon?

Well, I was going to keep it a secret, but since you asked so nicely, I will. I still have so much to do. So I'll give you a sneak peek at something new I am trying out. I'll let you guess at what it may be.