Q & A with The Pie Queen of BG

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One of the best things about creating GypsyMoon Marketplace has been being able to meet and be surrounded by such talented people. Brie Golliher is one of those people. This Pie Queen not only makes delicious pies, but she is also a wife, mother, entrepreneur, hustler, an inspiration, and a friend. We have had the honor of being around Brie for years, and if you are around her for even 5 minutes, you’re able to see how passionate she is about what she does. We are honored that she was kind enough to answer some questions for us! Read below to find out all the burning questions you’ve been dying to know about Brie Golliher- The Pie Queen of BG

What’s your Business Name?

The Pie Queen of BG

Tell us about your business?

My pie kitchen is located in the Boyce General Store, a country store built in 1869.

What made you choose this type of business?

I have always, always wanted to have a bakery and here I am, living my dream.

What is unique about your business?

I feel like pie has the ability to connect with so many people on a personal level because it reminds them of their grandmother. That’s the biggest compliment ever.

What was a big turning point in your business?

When I started doing local television segments and launched online ordering.

Do you have employees?

2 pie queenies

Bonus Question: If you answered yes, when did you feel that it was the right time to add employees to your business?

When I start to feel myself burning out, I try to reevaluate where I’m working too much and if I can afford someone else to do that.

How do you advertise and market your product/service?

On social media and on our website. I’m a big ambassador for Bowling Green tourism (and the state) and then in some local publications such as Bowling Green Living Magazine.

How do you handle or look at competition?

I don’t believe in competition when it comes to small business; your light doesn’t get any dimmer if you light someone else’s.

What are some of your 2020 business goals?

I want to write a cookbook, that’s my biggest goal set currently!

What does your average day look like?

I get to work around 6am... help the store girls out, hopefully get to bake in the kitchen and fill orders till about 3:30pm then head home to get the boys off the bus and make dinner. During the holiday season, I have lots of after hour events or late night baking sessions to fill all the orders.

What keeps you from burn out?

I try to always have travel scheduled that allows me to visit new places, even if it’s just to Nashville or Louisville where I can get inspiration from other places.

What’s your favorite quote?

“If you love what you do, people will fall in love with you.”

How do you balance family and work life?

It comes in waves, some seasons need more work, and some need more family. Lucky for me, my family helps with the store a lot so I can do both, together.

What are some of your 2020 personal goals?

Better health.

Tell us a fun fact about you

I’m a book nerd. I read cookbooks like a novel and I can remember a recipe after reading it one time.

What’s something you wish you had known when you started out?

No one is going to love your business as much as you.

What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone just starting out?

Success doesn’t come from only working on the days you want to.

What do you want to be remembered for?

How I make people feel, either through my food or the space we have created in our community.

How can people connect with you?

Instagram is my favorite @thepiequeen_bg